
George Mueller of Bristol

A.T. Pierson

George Muller (1805-1898) was one of the outstanding servants of the Lord in the 19th century. The great work of his life was to testify the reality of a prayer-hearing God to a society that was becoming increasingly skeptical toward God. To this end he founded an orphanage in England with absolutely no efforts at fundraising, but instead relying solely on God to provide for all the needs, which He did faithfully throughout Muller’s life.

This is the classic biography of George Muller, written with a view to helping its readers learn the spiritual lessons that can be drawn from such a life. Reading it provides a great deal of insight into the life of faith, drawn from the experiences of a man of faith.

Table of Contents


1. From His Birth to His New Birth

2. The New Birth and the New Life

3. Making Ready the Chosen Vessel

4. New Steps and Stages of Preparation

5. The Pulpit and the Pastorate

6. “The Narrative of the Lord’s Dealings”

7. Led of God Into a New Sphere

8. A Tree of God’s Own Planting

9. The Growth of God’s Own Plant

10. The Word of God and Prayer

11. Trials of Faith and Helpers to Faith

12. New Lessons in God’s School of Prayer

13. Following the Pillar of Cloud and Fire

14. God’s Building: The New Orphan Houses

15. The Manifold Grace of God

16. The Shadow of a Great Sorrow

17. The Period of World-Wide Witness

18. Faith and Patience in Serving

19. At Evening-Time – Light

20. The Summary of the Life-Work

21. The Church Life and Growth

22. A Glance at the Gifts and the Givers

23. God’s Witness to the Work

24. Last Looks, Backward and Forward